Andrés Romero
Fisheries scientist- Habla Tiburon Project
Andrés joined the CDF in 2024 as a Fisheries Scientist for the Habla Tiburón project, collaborating with the Shark Ecology team. He holds a Master’s degree in Marine Resources Management from CICIMAR-IPN and his main interests are research and conservation of sharks, as well as sustainable fisheries.
Andrés has extensive experience working with both small- and large-scale fisheries. He has served as an observer aboard tuna purse-seine vessels, a fisheries inspector for government monitoring programs, and a scientist sampling artisanal fishing ports along the Ecuadorian coast. His research has focused on the life history traits of pelagic sharks and small coastal rays.
Before joining CDF, Andrés worked with large fisheries databases at the IATTC, gaining hands-on experience with the complexities and scientific challenges involved in the management of pelagic fisheries.
Andrés's programs

Shark Ecology & ConservationSharks have thrived on our planet for over 400 million years. Yet overfishing has drastically reduced global shark populations, with many species now threatened with extinction. Our scientific work seeks to inform conservation measures, so sharks are better protected in Galapagos and the Eastern Tropical Pacific.