Carolina Páez
Senior Researcher in Social Sciences and Fisheries
Carolina joined the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) in October 2024 as a Senior Researcher in Social Sciences and Fisheries. She is passionate about ethnographic work, the design and application of innovative and creative research methodologies and techniques, as well as qualitative data analysis, reflective dialogue for social transformation, the generation of collective knowledge, and participatory processes for development.
Both in research and community service, her work has considers gender, social contexts, cultural background, and places, with different social groups and work teams from diverse knowledge areas and disciplines. She is a lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador since 2010. Her academic journey began with an anthropology degree from the same university, followed by a master's in Social Sciences with a specialization in Gender and Development at FLACSO Ecuador.
Carolina's programs

Sustainable FisheriesThe artisanal fishing sector is vital to the Galapagos Islands, but it is facing increasing challenges such as climate change, unfair value chains, and over-exploitation. Our program seeks to create a more prosperous, autonomous, and fair seafood system that is respectful of the natural environment, and fosters resilience against environmental, socio-economic, and climate change.