Paulina naranjo

Paulina Naranjo

Communications Officer in the "Habla Tiburon" project

Paulina is an expert in social communication and graphic design with over 10 years of experience, specialized in scientific communication and biodiversity. She graduated as an Engineer in Graphic Design from the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, with a specialization in Social Communication and a Master's in Strategic Communication from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, and has since led communication strategies at the Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad - INABIO, standing out in projects such as CoCiBio, World Biodiversity Day, World Oceans Day, among others related to environmental and scientific research fields. 

Paulina tranlsates complex scientific concepts into consumer-friendly products for the general public. She has also organized national and international events and webinars in collaboration with various entities and institutions from civil society, government, academia, and international NGOs.

Paulina is the Communications Officer for the "Habla Tiburon" project, continuing her work promoting sustainable fishing practices for the conservation of shark and ray populations in Ecuadorian waters. In addition to environmental and scientific topics, she has worked with particular interest in issues related to gender, violence, politics, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

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Andres Cruz

Protect Galapagos, Impact the World

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