Simon McKinley
Junior Spatial Ecologist – Habla Tiburón project
Simon joined the CDF in early 2024 as Junior Spatial Ecologist for the Habla Tiburón project. His journey to this dream job in Galápagos began years ago, starting during his time as a scuba divemaster in Indonesia. During his undergraduate studies in Western Australia, Simon volunteered analysing videos of Galápagos reef fish communities. This experience led to his Master’s degree in Environmental Science from Curtin University, focusing on the functional diversity of reef fish assemblages in Galápagos. His research resulted in two published studies contributing to the knowledge of reef fish ecology in the archipelago. He also collaborated on larger studies of reef fish biogeography and the impacts of the 2015-2016 ‘Godzilla’ El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
Simon’s ecological expertise is complemented by his work at the Fisheries Department in Western Australia, where he monitored blue swimmer crab populations and contributed to stock sustainability reports. Simon also participated in a Fisheries Research Development Council project assessing mud crab population in Australia’s Kimberley region and the feasibility of developing Indigenous mud crab fisheries. Simon’s professional pursuits are driven by his passion for the marine world, which remains his “happy place” during his free time.
Simon's programs

Shark Ecology & ConservationSharks have thrived on our planet for over 400 million years. Yet overfishing has drastically reduced global shark populations, with many species now threatened with extinction. Our scientific work seeks to inform conservation measures, so sharks are better protected in Galapagos and the Eastern Tropical Pacific.