Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF

Leave a Legacy

Join the Pristine Galapagos Society and become part of the history books of the Galapagos Islands.

Leave a Legacy


The Pristine Galapagos Society brings together individuals who are passionate about scientific research and conservation of the Galapagos Islands and would like to contribute to a thriving archipelago for generations to come. They demonstrate their commitment by making a planned gift, which can have an impact now or after their lifetime.

Member benefits:

  • Exclusive bi-annual newsletter, Pristine Galapagos News;
  • Annual invitation to an exclusive event;
  • VIP visit to the Charles Darwin Research Station. This visit takes you to the Natural History Collections otherwise closed to the public.
In the past, fruits were fed to the giant tortoises. Nowadays, the park rangers feed them Otoy, Portotillo, and Verdolaga.
Galapagos National Park official, Peppe Villa, marking giant tortoise eggs in 1974.

Become a member today

Sample bequest language

To join the Pristine Galapagos Society:

  • Make a multiyear pledge to the Charles Darwin Foundation;
  • Make a bequest to the Charles Darwin Foundation in your will, estate plan, living trust, or other plan through your financial advisor. Then notify us.

You can designate a particular asset or dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, the balance or residue of your estate, or make a beneficiary designation of certain assets. You can do this while creating your will or trust, or you can amend an existing one with a simple document. The Charles Darwin Foundation can be either a primary or a contingent beneficiary.

Popup CDRS


If you are based in the United States, you can leave a planned gift to the Friends of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands (FCDF), a United States-registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, established to conduct activities that support or benefit CDF. You can also name FCDF as:

  • A primary or contingent beneficiary of a life insurance policy;
  • A beneficiary of all or part of a retirement plan;
  • A beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust or charitable lead trust.
Transporting land iguanas for their repatriation.


As a member of the Pristine Galapagos Society, you will significantly contribute to our critical scientific research, helping to safeguard the unique planetary treasure that is the Galapagos Archipelago.


Please contact us if you would like to join the Pristine Galapagos Society – we will be happy to answer your questions.