Phil van Haarlem was truly a force of nature. He joined CDF as our CFO in 2014, bringing with him a wealth of experience at a time when the Foundation needed it most. Despite being at an age where he could have enjoyed a well-deserved retirement, Phil chose instead to dedicate himself to a cause he loved—Galapagos and conservation. His passion was undeniable, and his impact over his 10-year tenure, immeasurable. Thanks to Phil, CDF now stands on a strong financial foundation and is flourishing as never before.
Beyond his professional achievements, Phil left an indelible mark on all who had the privilege to work with him. He wasn’t just a colleague; he was a friend to many. Each year, Phil made his pilgrimage to the Galapagos for CDF’s budgeting season, a time when his presence was eagerly anticipated (or perhaps dreaded by some?).
A tall, distinguished Dutchman with a sharp wit and a warm heart, Phil had a unique way of making everyone around him feel at ease. Whether sharing a moment at the cafeteria or navigating the intricacies of a budget meeting, when Phil spoke with you, he had a way of making you feel heard. His presence, both professionally and personally, will be deeply missed.
In celebration of his life, and to honour his time with us over the last 10 years, we have asked colleagues (current and past) to tell us their unique experience with Phil:
I was stunned the first time Phil walked into my office. I had imagined him at least a foot shorter. Yet here was this towering man that barely fit in the doorframe of my office – indeed Ecuador in general did not accommodate Phil’s stature well, and he was often present at meetings in Puerto Ayora with a bandage or two! Stature aside, he had a knack in bringing joy and humor to almost any meeting – so presence, not just physical stature, was an incredible asset of his and it made all processes flow more smoothly. He is dearly missed as a colleague and friend of all that got to know him at CDF.
– Rakan Zahawi, Executive Director of the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF).
When I arrived at CDF in February 2018, Phil was among the colleagues that welcomed me. During a welcome dinner, we found ourselves at a restaurant with no food options available, which made us laugh and leave without having dinner. I will always remember Phil for his kindness and support during my time as Interim Executive Director, especially during the complex period of the pandemic, where his generosity and patience were invaluable in overcoming the challenges we faced.
– María José Barragán, Science Director at CDF.
Phil was an amazing colleague and mentor. His humor made the workdays lighter and more enjoyable. He was also very serious and methodical when the situation required it, always approaching tasks with remarkable efficiency and thoughtfulness. I always looked forward to meetings involving him and to his visits to Galápagos, during which time he would often share his travel stories and experiences from around the world. Over the past two years, I worked particularly closely with him on establishing the Friends of the Charles Darwin Foundation, where he served as Treasurer. His expertise in setting up processes and policies was invaluable, and I still often find myself thinking of him for guidance. He is deeply missed.
- Liza Nagode, Deputy Director of Fundraising at CDF.

During the pandemic, Phil was instrumental in securing the financing we needed to weather the storm as everything shut down in Galapagos. He was always looking for ways to ensure our financial stability and was a true gentleman, always willing to listen to suggestions. What I appreciated most was his unwavering trust in his team, despite the distance and being based in another country. Phil was not only committed to his work but was also always willing to offer personal support.
- Pilar Díaz, former Finance manager at CDF.
“Mevrouw Tanty! Alles goed met jou?!” … is how Phil would warmly and loudly greet me on the step of my office every year. He loved to tease the little Dutch I know out of me before he eagerly enquired about the latest items available for purchase at our donation point. He was a champion of our brand and mission - a rare find in a CFO. He simply “got it” and I miss him dearly.
– Ambre Tanty-Lamothe, Director of Marketing and Communications at CDF.
The first time I entered CDF with Phil van Haarlem, he walked me around the campus introducing me to all the administrative assistants. "These are the ladies who run things," he said. "They know everything. Talk to them, and you'll be alright." And because of Phil and the network that he so generously introduced me to, I am alright. In fact, Phil's cool intelligence and his incredible work ethic ensured that all of us - including the Foundation - are alright, just as his joy in every success was a reminder to take a moment and savor the good things when they come along. What I miss most though is sitting with Phil over a few beers and laughing at stories of the indigenous cacao cooperative he advised in the altiplano, the ridiculousness of contemporary politics in the United States, and the sheer craziness of life. I raise a glass to you often now my friend. Godspeed.
– Mark Bauman, CDF Board member.
Phil was a true gentleman, a professional we admired not only for his professional performance but also for his human qualities. Phil was instrumental in helping to move the CDF forward after a severe financial crisis over a decade ago. I remember driving him on several occasions in the CDF car; it was always a challenge because of his tall stature—I had to move the front seat forward to make sure he could fit in the back, and we would joke about it.
– Johanna Carrion, Eastern Tropical Pacific Program Coordinator at Re:Wild and former Director of Institucional Affairs at CDF
I have said on a number occasions that the most rewarding aspect of working for CDF is the opportunity to collaborate with truly remarkable people for a common cause. No one exemplies this more than Phil van Haarlem. When Phil joined the organization about 10 years ago, he completely transformed our financial infrastructure, from a situation on uncertainty and lack of information to one of absolute clarity. He is by far the most talented financial leader with whom I have ever worked; without him, I doubt the Foundation could have survived those tough times. More than that, working with Phil was an absolute joy. His sense of humor and giant laugh eased the tension when needed, and his passion for Galapagos and CDF was infectious. I almost always made an error when reporting on financial matters, but Phil’s corrections always made me feel better, no matter how wrong I was.
- Dennis Geist, Chairman of Friends of the Charles Darwin Foundation.

Phil and I planned a weekend trip to Cuenca, about 400 kilometers east of Guayaquil. Concerned about potential dangers like falling rocks, we rented a car and a driver. Phil, as usual, handled all the arrangements. After the long drive, we settled for pizza at a local pizzeria. Phil apologized for the simple dinner, promising that the restaurant he had booked for the next evening would be something special.
The next day, we spent our time exploring Cuenca. We returned early from our tour, and at around 8 PM, we hired a taxi to take us to the restaurant. To our surprise, the driver took us back to the tourist spot we had visited earlier. Confused and frustrated, Phil insisted on going to a different location, but we ended up by a river with no restaurant in sight.
It was then we discovered that Phil had mistakenly made a reservation in Cuenca, Spain, instead of Cuenca, Ecuador! Despite the mix-up, we had a good laugh about the situation. Phil, ever the gentleman, apologized to the taxi driver, and we eventually enjoyed a delightful dinner in the right Cuenca.
– Hans van Poelvoorde, member of CDF’s General Assembly and former Chairman.

Although I knew Phil for a short time, his humanity and commitment to the Galápagos Islands earned all my admiration. While he worked remotely, his efforts were always focused on supporting the Enchanted Islands. Phil never made anyone feel bad, even when we made mistakes. We learned a lot from his transparency and integrity.
- Fernando Araujo, Finance Director, CDF

I remember Phil with deep affection; his presence at the Scientific Station always radiated joy and energy. A special memory took place in 2020 during the first virtual General Assembly Meeting. Facing this challenge, we organized practice sessions to learn how to project presentations online. Phil, with his usual enthusiasm, tackled the new technology with determination, despite some difficulties due to the generational gap. I spent hours patiently teaching him how to use the presentation button, and despite a few setbacks and shared laughs, he successfully mastered it. On the day of the assembly, everything went perfectly, thanks in part to his efforts. Phil, your absence will be deeply felt at the Scientific Station; you left an indelible mark on all of us. We will miss you greatly.
– Isabel Grijalva, Communications Specialist Fundación Jocotoco and former CDF Communications Coordinator.
Working with Phil was a true pleasure; he was always available to support our team. With a great sense of humor, Phil earned the affection of everyone, and his quality as a human being always stood out among his colleagues. We miss him greatly.
- Holly Torres, Conservation Grants Officer at Rainforest Trust and former CDF employee.