
More than 1,000 visitors come to our 2022 Open House

Leslie León
03 Aug 22 /

It wasn’t even 8 a.m. on July 22nd 2022, and the first group of students arrived at the welcome tent to visit our 2022 Open House. We had a group of 10-year old’s, who were happy to take the tour of the Charles Darwin Research Station (CDRS) to learn in detail about the projects we carry out at the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) for the benefit of the conservation of Galapagos species.

Our scientist Gustavo Jiménez explaining about the Aves Marinas project. Photo: Rashid Cruz, CDF.

Little by little, more and more students from different schools and ages arrived to be part of this unique experience that we prepare annually for our community. Approximately 1,013 people visited the ECCD on this day, including students, teachers, public and private employees, national tourists, foreigners, NGOs and citizens.

La mayoría de los asistentes fueron instituciones educativas. Foto: Rashid Cruz, FCD.
Most of the attendees were educational institutions. Photo: Rashid Cruz, CDF.

The overall reception was great, our scientists were ecstatic to talk about there their work in the Galapagos Islands to contribute to their preservation. In the same way, at the gastronomic fair, entrepreneurs provided delicious locally produced food. We had spaces dedicated to theater, art, and painting, and also had visitors delighted to develop their skills during the morning and afternoon.

Los emprendimientos presentados en la Casa Abierta. Foto: Rashid Cruz, FCD.
The projects presented at the Open House. Photo: Rashid Cruz, CDF.
El equipo de Acción Nativa presentó la obra de teatro
The Native Action team presented the play "Stop Inva-Zor". Photo: Rashid Cruz, CDF.

The Charles Darwin Foundation was founded on the 23rd of July 1959 as a non-profit organization with the goal of providing knowledge and support through scientific research and complementary actions to ensure the conservation of the environment and biodiversity of the Galapagos Archipelago. In commemoration of one more anniversary of the hard work that scientists and administrative staff develop daily for 63 years, the CDF Open House is held year after year to show the results of all the efforts of this great team that is formed mostly by local human talent.

El equipo del proyecto Monitoreo Ecológico Submareal presentando los resultados y avances de este año. Foto: Rashid Cruz, FCD.
The Subtidal Ecological Monitoring project team presenting this year's results and progress. Photo: Rashid Cruz, CDF.

We appreciate your visit, participation and interest in learning more about the CDF and its Research Station. We are always open to receive and support you from our field. We express our consideration and gratitude to the institutions and enterprises that were part of this year of our Open House 2022.

Leslie León

Communications Officer

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