formerly Noticias de Galápagos
Journal of Science and Conservation in the Galapagos Islands

- K.Thalia Grant, 2017, Kicker Rock: boot, whale or seamark? - Galapagos Research 69: 2-8
- Christopher W.Sinton, Karen S.Harpp, Dennis J.Geist, Eric Mittelstaedt, Daniel J. Fornari & S. Adam Soule, 2017, Banco Tuzo: an ancient Galapagos island and potential stepping stone for species dispersal - Galapagos Research 69: 9-17
- Gustavo Jiménez-Uzcátegui & Luis Ortiz-Catedral, 2020, Vertebrate diversity on Floreana Island, Galapagos - Galapagos Research 69: 18-24
- José R. Marin Jarrin & Pelayo Salinas-de-León, 2020, Effects of the 2016 El Niño on the Galapagos artisanal coastal fin-fish fishery - Galapagos Research 69: 25-33
- Andrea Coloma, David Anchundia, Paolo Piedrahita, Courtney Pike & Birgit Fessl, 2020, Observations on the nesting of the Galapagos Dove Zenaida galapagoensis in Galapagos, Ecuador - Galapagos Research 69: 34-38
Ma. Lorena Romero-Martínez, Nicolás Moity, Byron Delgado, Jacqueline Rodríguez & Gustavo Jiménez-Uzcátegui, 2020, Drifting marine snakes around the Galapagos archipelago - Galapagos Research 69: 38-42
- Robert W. Tindle. 2017. Flamingos in Galapagos: Sr Jacinto Gordillo’s misplaced report. - Galapagos Research 69: 43-44
- David Cameron Duffy, 2020, Charles Darwin and the case of the missing cormorants - Galapagos Research 69: 45-48