formerly Noticias de Galápagos
Journal of Science and Conservation in the Galapagos Islands

- Lázaro Roque-Albelo, Sarah E. Garrett, William E. Conner, 2008, Alkaloid protection of Utethesia glapagensis (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) against an invertebrate and a vertebrate predator in the Galápagos islands - Galapagos Research 65: 2-6
- Cruz Márquez, David A. Wiedenfeld, Sixto Naranjo, Washington Llerena, 2008, The 1997-8 el niño and the Galápagos tortoises Geochelone vandenburghi on Alecedo volcano, Galápagos - Galapagos Research 65: 7-10
- Charlotte Causton, Henri Herrera, 2008, Distribution of fireants Solenopsis geminata and Wasmannia auropunctata (Hymenoptera: formicidae) in the Galápagos islands - Galapagos Research 65: 11-14
- E.R. Meek, 2008, Two bird records of note in Galápagos in May 2006 - Galapagos Research 65: 15-15
- Henri W. Herrera, John T. Longino, 2008, New records of introduced ants (Hymenoptera: formicidea) in the Galápagos islands - Galapagos Research 65: 16-19
- Gillian Key, Miguel Sangoquiza, 2008, Activity patterns and distribution of Galápagos bats - Galapagos Research 65: 20-24
- Andrea Marín, Graham Watkins, 2008, Galapagos: past, present and future - Galapagos Research 65: 25-25
- Roque Sevilla, 2008, An inconvenient truth and some uncomfortable decisions concerning tourism in Galápagos - Galapagos Research 65: 26-29
- Graham Watkins, 2008, A paradigm shift in Galápagos Research - Galapagos Research 65: 30-36
- F. Edouard Matoko, Mauricio Castillo M., 2008, The challenges in Galápagos: a view from unesco - Galapagos Research 65: 37-39
- Linda J. Cayot, 2008, The restoration of giant tortoise and lang iguana populations in Galápagos - Galapagos Research 65: 39-43
- Alan Tye, Conley K. McMullen, Ole Hamann, 2008, Botanical research in the Galápagos islands: the last fifty years and the next fifty - Galapagos Research 65: 43-46
- Christian Sevilla, Victor Carríon, Washington Tapia, 2008, Management of introduced animals in Galápagos - Galapagos Research 65: 46-48