

Galápagos - Nuestras Islas

A great resource for teachers to teach about the Galápagos Islands.

An interview with our entomologist Karen Vera

Meet CDF entemologist Karen Vera who talks about her work in the field and how it contributes to the restoration of Galapagos ecosystems.

Heinke Jäger-CDF
Scalesia forest restoration

Scalesia forests once thrived on the Galapagos Islands, forming a unique humid ecosystem for plants, insects, giant tortoises and birds. Today, only 1% of the forests’ original distribution remains, with several endemic species, including the Scalesia themselves, struggling to survive. We are working to restore this important habitat and given the rapid rate of forest loss, it is a race against time.

Carlos Espinosa/CDF
Studying health in birds: An interview with Gislayne Mendoza Alcívar

Gislayne Mendoza Alcívar, our lab technician was interviewed by our donor, Galapagos Conservation Trust, in which she shares her experience in studying the health of some of the islands' most endangered birds.