
Luis Fernández

Responsable de Bienes Institucionales

Luis joined the CDF family in January 2009 as a Warehouse Assistant, with responsibilities including receiving merchandise, labeling, stocking, supplying the donation point, and providing support to the SHOP's promoters in customer service. In 2015, at the request of the Executive Director through then-Executive Director Dr. Arturo Izurieta, he was appointed Institutional Assets Manager, a role he currently holds.

Antes de incorporarse en la FCD, Luis trabajó en la empresa Tv cable, en el área de construcción e implementación del servicio en áreas donde no tenían cobertura. Trabajó en Metropolitan Tourin (ETICA ), en el área de bodega de repuestos marítimos.

Luis Fernández, originally from the city of Portoviejo in the province of Manabí, has been living in Santa Cruz since 2000, considering it his adopted home. He enjoys engaging in sports activities such as going to the gym, playing soccer, but above all, he values spending as much time as possible with his family. He holds a high school diploma in Humanities and is currently studying Logistics/Supply Chain Management technology.