

Field & Identification Guides

Explore our comprehensive collection of field and identification guides for Galapagos species, meticulously crafted by scientists at the Charles Darwin Foundation and collaborating researchers. Whether you're a seasoned naturalist or an adventurous enthusiast, our downloadable PDF guides offer invaluable insights into the unique flora and fauna of the Galapagos Islands. Start your wildlife exploration journey today!


Explore a wealth of resources from the Charles Darwin Foundation available for download. From annual reports to research journals, species identification guides to educational texts like the Galapagos Atlas, our publications provide valuable insights into conservation efforts and biodiversity in the Galapagos Islands. Dive into our comprehensive collection today!

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF

Since its inception in 1971, our Scholarship Program has enabled over 250 students from Galapagos to complete their education and pursue careers in conservation.

12 Little Vermilion Flycatcher chicks fledge the nest

12 Little Vermilion Flycatcher chicks fledge the nest, in most successful nesting season yet in Santa Cruz Island

12 Little Vermilion Flycatcher chicks fledge the nest

12 Little Vermilion Flycatcher chicks fledge the nest, in most successful nesting season yet in Santa Cruz Island

12 Little Vermilion Flycatcher chicks fledge the nest

12 Little Vermilion Flycatcher chicks fledge the nest, in most successful nesting season yet in Santa Cruz Island

Heinke Jäger-CDF
Scalesia forest restoration

Scalesia forests once thrived on the Galapagos Islands, forming a unique humid ecosystem for plants, insects, giant tortoises and birds. Today, only 1% of the forests’ original distribution remains, with several endemic species, including the Scalesia themselves, struggling to survive. We are working to restore this important habitat and given the rapid rate of forest loss, it is a race against time.

Heinke Jäger-CDF
Scalesia forest restoration

Scalesia forests once thrived on the Galapagos Islands, forming a unique humid ecosystem for plants, insects, giant tortoises and birds. Today, only 1% of the forests’ original distribution remains, with several endemic species, including the Scalesia themselves, struggling to survive. We are working to restore this important habitat and given the rapid rate of forest loss, it is a race against time.