In the heart of the Galapagos Islands, a tiny, unexpected hero emerged in 2002 that would change the course of conservation. The Australian ladybug (Novius cardinalis), small in size but immensely effective, became a crucial ally in the fight against an invasive insect that threatened to devastate the endemic flora of these islands. This is the story of how science, innovation, and nature itself came together to help preserve one of the most valuable biological treasures on the planet.
In the heart of the Galapagos Islands, a tiny, unexpected hero emerged in 2002 that would change the course of conservation. The Australian ladybug (Novius cardinalis), small in size but immensely effective, became a crucial ally in the fight against an invasive insect that threatened to devastate the endemic flora of these islands. This is the story of how science, innovation, and nature itself came together to help preserve one of the most valuable biological treasures on the planet.
- Date:
- 2019
- Language:
- English
The Charles Darwin Foundation celebrates 65 years of innovation, development, and science in service of conservation